Sunday, July 1, 2012


Glamour, beauty, awesome accents, etc was totally not the case in London.  For some reason I thought all these things about London, uh...I don't know maybe it's all the stupid t.v. shows and what not that I thought that maybe either way it was NOT the case.  I was somewhat disappointed with London and a bit stressed there.  London is a big place and kind of hectic.  What I have come to realize is that Europe's streets do not have any rhyme or reason.  They just put streets wherever and however and just call it whatever...very confusing.  Ha ha maybe that's why all the locals use landmarks instead of the street names when helping me with directions.  I saw some really awesome things in London though AND saw Phantom of the Opera, WHAAATTT yeah that's right!  It was fabulous!  I am glad I went to say that I have gone to London but will probably not go back.

NOW....Amsterdam...what can I say about Amsterdam.  The wreak of weed from the cafes and the practically naked ladies in the windows.  What more can I say?!?!  We were a couple windows down from the red light district.  A girl I met got told that he wanted to buy her for a million dollars, pretty creepy.  Went to the Van Gogh Museum and to the Jordan area which was beautiful.  I will say that the canals were pretty neat, other than that Amsterdam was not my favorite either.  It would be much better if a group of friends went instead of just one person for sure!  Maybe next time a group of us can go and party, what do ya say?!

Anyways, I am in Paris now.  The day started off not so good because I got told by a train station employee to move lines because I was in the "wrong" line, I ignored her, and her co-worker, and her manager because another person I had met went to that line and got a ticket and the line went much faster!  I guess she was very pissed I kept ignoring her.  In fact the manager said "Don't blame me if you can't get a ticket".  They're scare tactics don't work on me!  I knew they could not remove me from the line and the only reason I knew she was pissed (obviously because I do not speak french) is because the french lady that was standing in line behind me told me ha ha ha!!  She was on my side though and told me to stay because of her the bad feelings I had about the train station people were revoked.  In the end I won because I did get my ticket in the "wrong" line.  After that I caught a taxi to the hotel (that I paid buccu dollars for) and went touring on a bus for a while and got off.  It was one of those hop on hop off buses, pretty neat.  I tried renting a bike and since my debit card doesn't have a chip in it I was not able...BOO!!!  My feet are killing me by now, including my ankle, hips, I am falling apart but no time to complain, just keep swimming, just keep swimming... the Lourve, the Eiffel Tower, Champe de Elysse, Arc De Triumph, etc just absolutely gorgeous.  I was going to stay at the Eiffel tower to see it glitter at midnight but after a random guy came up to me trying to sell me champagne, saying how cute, nice, and how much he liked me and asked me to come with him after the Eiffel tower, I decided it probably was not a good idea to stay after too dark.  So, here I am writing in my blog to you guys, instead of watching the Eiffel Tower glitter...I got to see it light up though and that is good enough for me!  The hot shower and nice cozy bed, and a room all to myself makes up for all of it.  I will go see Notre Dame and the Latin Quarters tomorrow.

I take the overnight train to Berlin, Germany tomorrow.  So, until next time, thanks for reading and hope everyone over there are doing just as magnificent as me.


Sunday, June 24, 2012


Dublin was awesome!  Very at the hostel very early in the morning and could not check in until after 2pm.  So....I went on a FREE walking tour and checked out some historical places, the city hall, Trinity College, etc.  Also, that night I ran into this awesome live wind/drums band and enjoyed some really awesome and authentic music.  Yup, I was that tourist head banging to the music in the crowd!  :)  Then I went to Belfast, searched for my hostel for almost half the day because I could not find it, finally found it, booked my ferry over to Scotland and went to dinner and that is all I had time for in Belfast, Ireland.  Belfast was definitely not my favorite, a little bit scary actually.  The hostel was even worse.  The shower did not drain and the hostel itself seemed like it was going to crumble down.  Needless to say I woke up at 430 am in order to catch a 6am taxi lol, yup it was THAT bad.  Now, I am in Scotland.  While I was on the ferry, I met a random Irish man that lived in Scotland and he showed me around the really nice hilly parts of Scotland.  So, random and although I may have been a little too trusting getting in a car with an Irish man, it saved me money and fortunately did not cost me my life and I had a fabulous time enjoying the non-touristy areas of the hills and lochs (lakes)--beautiful and breath-taking!  Here are some pictures from Ireland and some from the live band we saw.  The music was awesome.  Keep posted for some more things from Scotland.  I will be going to the castle and a place where the Queen stays while she is in Edinburgh, Scotland and then maybe a little hike in one of their parks.  This has been freakin' awesome so far.  Tried posting pictures and it is just taking WAYYY too long.  Sorry folks, maybe when I actually have some time on my hands.

thanks again all for your thoughts, prayers, and support,

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

At the Airport!

Hey all!  I am at ATX airport waiting to depart to North Carolina for a layover and then here I go.  I am feeling anxious, nervous, kind of want to throw up in my mouth kind of EXCITED!  I keep running through my head whether or not I packed everything that I needed.  I circled my house probably about 4, 5, 6, 7...or so times making sure I didn't leave anything.  I will be able to text (I am hoping) with an app I got on my ipod touch while I have wifi.  So, cross your fingers.  Alrighty, keep posted for pictures soon!  Post to you guys later.

P.S. Also, when you guys reply or post anything please put your name.  I don't have ESP guys!!  ;)


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Anticipation, 7 more days!

There are only 7 days until I depart for Europe landing in Dublin, Ireland and mingling with the locals while drinking warm beer.  UGH!  Everyone thinks I am craaazy for traveling alone but as it turns out, it just seems free-ing to me.  Noone to answer to, noone to tell me where to go and when I need to do it, just me, Europe, and my backpack.  Everyone says I am doing like the bookk Eat, pray, love...?  I do not know since I have not watched the movie or read the book.  I have always been talking about traveling, backpacking, hiking, and exploring the world and since I can now, I am and will.  Watch out Europe, here I come!  Please keep posted for pictures and more blogging to come.  This is my first time blogging so bare with me all!  Thanks for all the support everyone has given me throughout my struggles and this process, I appreciate it more than you will ever know.
